Tatler: case study blog task


Watch this trailer for BBC's Posh People - a documentary about Tatler, the oldest magazine in Britain.

1) Based on the trailer, what type of people produce and read Tatler? Consider demographics and 
Middle class and upper middle class people read Tatler. People who are rich buys these type of magazines and read them. These people either has a good job or they are from a rich family for e.g members of the aristocracy(people who owns big houses) and educated people. 

2) Look at the Tatler Media Pack 2018. Go to page 2: how does the editor introduce the magazine?
"A FABULOUSLY TARGETED, SENSATIONALLY ACCURATE RIFLE SHOT TO THE VERY RICHEST READERS IN THE COUNTRY." The alliteration "richest reader" shows that this magazine is clearly aimed at rich people who  reads a lot and loves to read. 

3) Now go to page 4 of the Media Pack. Focus on the print magazine (NOT tatler.com - the website). List the key demographic details: age, gender %, ABC1 % (social class), HHI (Household Income), % of those living in 

London and the South East. What do these demographic details suggest about the average Tatler reader?
Average HHI £261,572
Female 73% ABC1 83%
AB 51% Average Age 41
London/SE 70%
These demographic details suggest that Tatler reader are mostly female who is aroung the age of 41 and the average household income is £261,572 and people who buy Tatle and read them are mainly people who live in South East of London. 

4) Look at page 6. What do Tatler readers think about fashion? How much do they spend?
Tatler readers think that fashion is the 5) Go to page 10. What are the special editions of Tatler that run throughout the year? What does this suggest about the pyschographic groups who read Tatler?
Tatler mainly focuses on fashion by showing rich people and by them wearing rich jewellery and rich clothings. The people who buys a Tatler are either people who want to have a new fashion or people who are interested in fashion.

Media language

1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Tatler?
Title of publication,Central Image,Sell/Cover lines,A colour scheme,Name Checks and Direct address.

2) What is the font choice used in the title and what does this choice connote? 
The font choice used in the title is Serif and this choice connotes that this is more traditionally and it also has a bit of San Serif which connotes more modern type of things.

3) What font is used for the cover lines? What does that choice connote?
For the cover lines San Serif font is used which connotes more modern things.

4) How do the cover lines appeal to the Tatler target audience?
The cover lines appeal to the Tatler target audience because it talks about alot of thing and it talks about posh things.

5) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover?
The yellow connotes happiness and sunshine this shows us the season spring which shows us something good is about to happen.
The green connotes nature and more of a realistic touch.
Last but not least the pink shows that it's mainly aimed at women. 

6) How is the central image designed to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. Mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression)
The central image designed to create interest in the magazine shows he black eye which shows she is a bit edgy and more modern.The green background shows how natural it is and the fact that she is wearing pearls shows how rich she is.


1) What different groups of people are represented on the cover? (Look at the image and text/cover lines)
The groups of people represented on the cover are rich and this is represented for upper middle class and middle class people.

2) What do the cover lines suggest about the lifestyle of rich people in the UK?

These cover lines suggest that lifestyle of rich people fashion should change in the UK.

3) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?
The stereotype being reinforced is that all posh people are white and they wear fashionable clothes with jewellery and they look pretty and beautiful. The subverted things being reinforced is that her hair is a bit messy which show that she isn't that fashionable. 

4) Are there any misrepresentations or under-representations of groups? What might this suggest about the target audience?
There are under-representation of groups but not misrepresentation of groups and the under-representation of groups there is that no black person or male is on the Tatler which show a sign of under- representation. 

5) What would be the preferred and oppositional readings to this cover of Tatler?
The preferred reading of this Tatler is that mainly posh and rich people with good jobs would buy this.
The oppositional reading is that the cover doesn't explain in depth about the new fashion people might not like the fashion.

Social and cultural context

1) What aspects of British life are NOT reflected in Tatler?

The aspects in which British life are NOT reflected in Tatler are politics,schools,jobs,news and other general things.

2) Tatler runs special issues on holidays, spa breaks, cosmetic surgery, watches and jewellery and private schools. What does this suggest about the magazine's representation of life in Britain?
This suggest that it will talk about a lot of posh and more rich things. 

3) What audience groups might be offended or insulted by the front cover of Tatler April 2017? 
Lower class people might be offended or insulted by the front cover of the Tatler April 2017.

4) Find three other front covers for Tatler. What issues or problems are regularly featured in Tatler?
All Tatler magazine talks about fashion and the front cover includes at least one person giving a pose in a new fashion outfit.
Image result for tatlerImage result for tatlerImage result for tatler divine


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