Exam case studies: Learner response blog task

WWW- Good understanding of the 4 key concepts in relation to both of the case studies. Strong on understanding of convergence. Some good level of detail at times (but watch your written English is accurate, please.)
EBI- Attention to detail / basics, for example it is Tomb Raider NOT Tomb Raiders! Proof read your work to make sure it is all in full sentences and makes actual sense. You need to build on your understanding by adding more detail e.g you say in KK that being an A list celebrity gives people a ‘brief’ idea of who you are. Is ‘brief’ the right word? Narrative means plot / story. There are a lot of characters you can role play as so give examples. You have not read the articles and answered the questions about them. 
LR- If you don’t understand a question, do not miss it out! Ask me / another student / look in your book or re-read the Macguffin notes where all the answers can be found. Do the Blumler and Katz questions for both Lara Croft Go and Kim Kardashian and don’t ask me, read the information on the blog to help you! It is NOT acceptable to miss out questions.


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