
Showing posts from June, 2018

Zoella CSP case study

Language Read  this Marie Clare article on Zoella as an online phenomenon . 1) Who is Zoella and why is she famous?  How many subscribers does Zoella's YouTube channel have currently? Zoella was born in 1990, her real name is Zoe Sugg she is famous for  starting a fashion, beauty and vlog on YouTube in 2009 called ‘Zoella’.She has: 12 million subscribers on YouTube [August 2017] 11 million followers on Instagram [August 2017] 2.5 million likes on Facebook [August 2017] 2) What is convergence? Media convergence  is a term that can refer to either: 1) the merging of previously distinct  media  technologies and  media  forms due to digitization and computer networking; or 2) an economic strategy in which the  media  properties owned by communications companies employ digitization and computer networking to work  3)  What are Zoella's videos about? Find  five  video titles and write them here: Zoella's videos ...

Preliminary exercise: Science fiction continuity task

S tatement of intent   I am planning on making a short Science Fiction television scene set in a school.I will use quite a lot of camera shot angle such as; close-up,over the shoulder,long shot and etc.I will also use a extreme close-up to show that someone is calling the main character using no caller ID. My protagonist is a normal student from school that is getting called by an alien called P4 alien and the alien wants the protagonist to do something which is too dangerous but first my protagonist denies/refuses to do it because of the fact that it is too risky then the alien threatens his by saying something and then my protagonist agrees to do it but he before that he is going to go and meet him.     M y scene is showing how a young person these age gets blackmailed to do things and how they fall into traps so easily and actually go to meet the person. Script protagonist Hello who is this? ... what do you mean P4 Alien? ...     ...

Kim Kardashian Hollywood CSP case study

Language 1) What is the objective when playing the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game? The objective when playing the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game is that you should flirt around and try to become famous. 2) What is an A-list celebrity? Why is it important in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?  The A-list celebrity are people who has got a lot of followers and people who are famous, it is important in this game because it gives the person that is playing a brief idea on where they  are. 3) How do you download the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game? The way to download the game is by going to the app store and download it for free. 4) What is the narrative or storyline of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood? Where is it set? It is set outside, the narrative of the story ios just you becoming like  Kim Kardashian. 5) What characters can you play as? What characters appear in the game? The game is personal identity you can play as yourself.  Industries 1) How much does Ki...