Audience power essay

Essay question: “The internet has given audiences much more power than ever before.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“The internet has given audiences much more power than ever before”. In my statement I am going to include both points for argument against and argument for. Many people would agree because in a way the internet has given the audiences much power but on the other hand they would disagree because the internet hasn’t given that much of a power.
Music industry
The music industry has changed so much because people these days don’t make albums and sell them they now show their talent by publishing it on YouTube for e.g. Big Shaq ( Bedroom bands are another example they don’t go to any places to perform, they just do a basic video and they publish it on YouTube and there is a possibility they will get famous like Justin Bieber (
The advantages of music industry is that you can promote yourself by recording yourself and publishing it on YouTube these people are called bedroom bands e.g. Justin Bieber, he recorded himself in his house while his mum was recording him singing with you by Chris Brown. Another reason is that you can choose your own song selection to watch and download for free illegally.                          
 The disadvantages of music industry is that because of one bedroom bands creating an album and and publishing it for free which allows anyone to see would make other bedroom bands do the same and that is a result of the music industry that sells album loses money therefore it would a great loss to them.
 Film industry
The film industry has changed a lot in a positive way because the fact that back in the days people watch film, series, drama and etc. on a television if they missed the what they wanted to see then that’s it they missed it but now these days if missed to watch the thing they wanted to watch people go on the internet and searches it up and watches it.
The advantages of film industry is that in the third quarter of 2017, NEFLIX had 109.25 million streaming subscribers worldwide this is a really positive thing because they are making a lot of money by the amount of view and subscriptions they get.
However, there is a disadvantage to the film industry is that you have to wait for the series to be published on NETFLIX whereas you can’t see it immediately when it’s out. This lead the cinema to lose a lot of money because of the fact that now the population of people coming to the cinema is going to be less because no would really want to go they would rather go to buy a DVD.  
Newspaper industry
The newspaper industry has changed a lot because in the 21st century people read the newspaper which is printed on paper and is posted to their doors and after they finished reading the newspaper they wait till the next one is published but these days the technology are now better which lets people read the newspaper on a technology system but newspaper still do exist.
The advantage of the newspaper industry is that people now a days don’t need to wait for the newspaper they can just watch it on the internet. This is better for the people so that they are aware of the news.
The disadvantage of the newspaper is that the newspaper industry is losing a lot of money because the fact no one would buy newspaper they would just search it up and another disadvantage is that no one knows who to trust, they might publish fake news on the internet.

In conclusion to this there are disadvantages and advantages in all media industry. Music industry is good on behalf of the fact you can publish yourself and become famous however It’s bad because the music industry aren’t getting any money out of this. Film industry is the same when NETFLIX was spread everyone stopped watching television because they could use internet and watch anything they missed. Newspaper industry is good because now a day’s people can use the net to see the news this makes them safe and they know what is going in their area.        


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