February-March learner response
WWW- I am really impressed with how much effort you have
made with your case studies. It is all your own work and in a lot more detail.
You are using more media terminology correctly.
EBI- You need to take your answers even further, for
example you say the magazine Reveal advertises itself as the 'reader's best
friend' but you could add 'which suggests...' and then tell me what this means
about the type of magazine it is. Same with the colour schemes - you say what
colours are used but not what they connote. I am not sure you understand
preferred and oppositional reading.
LR- Also look at the blog post on Macguffin on Preferred
and Oppositional reading (as well as notes in your book) as I am not sure you
completely understand this. Once you have understood it, please write about
these in relation to both CSPs.
You could try and get on to the extension tasks
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