Galaxy 'Chauffeur' advert: blog tasks

Re-watch the Galaxy advert then answer the questions below:


1) Who is Audrey Hepburn?
Audrey Hepburn was a British actress, model, dancer.

2) Why did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert? 
Galaxy  selected Audrey Hepburn for this advert this is because this fits with her role as a romantic comedy lead woman and the fact that she is a actress and that she is famous reinforces the chocolate that it is luxurious.  

3) What are the connotations of Audrey Hepburn and celebrity in this advert? 
Audrey Hepburn connotes celebrities are more stylish and more attractive than the people on the bus.

4) Why is the advert set in the 1950s? What audience pleasure does this provide?
This advert was set in the 1950s this is because during this time women were more stylish and this provide luxury and escapism for the audience pleasure.

5) What is intertextuality?

The relationship between texts e.g. the Galaxy chocolate bar logo font is drizzled chocolate this connotes the actual chocolate and this builds up a relationship between the text and the product. 

6) What Audrey Hepburn film is suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, props, setting)?
The film featured in this specific advert is called "Roman Holiday" this effect is created by having a part of the movie scene and by placing a celebrity who looks like the one who acted in "Roman Holiday".

7) Which of Propp's character types are represented in the advert? (Note: you will not find them all). 
The bus driver is the donar
The man that gives a lift for the woman is the hero
The heroine is the woman that gets a lift 

8) How does the advert's narrative (story) follow Todorov's theory of equilibrium?
The advert's narrative follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium because first the equilibrium starts off with a nice village and it looks amazing and astonishing. Then the disequilibrium starts and that is when the bus driver argues with the fruit seller. Finally a new equilibrium starts and that is when she goes off in the sunset and get a lift by a man and continues her journey happily by eating the chocolate and relaxing back.   

9) What representations of gender can you find in this advert?
The representations of gender i can find in this advert is that men are supposed to be in charge of women but women can also be in charge of men.

10) Are stereotypes reinforced or subverted in the Galaxy advert? Give examples.
The stereotypes that are reinforced here is that the men helps the women so the men looks more heroic and the women are the heroine because women are getting helped by the men.


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