
Mathusan 10W3
(Flashback)Rishy is coming from school (Talking about a test he just did.) and he is going to cross the road when suddenly a white ford focus comes fast and hits him.

Rishy :I think I did good in the test. I cant wait to get my test results back tommarow. I don't know if I might get the highest in the class. Who knows? Can't wait. Car incoming full speed Rishy gets hit and goes flying to the ground and blood flows from his head (flashback ends).Camera rolls over to Raj. Raj is looking at picture where him and his brother Rishy and says he is going to make a time travel watch in his head.
Raj: It's been a year without you bro. I still think about you. I am going to create a time travelling watch to bring you back to life. Here goes.
Starts making the watch and finishes it.
The screen dips to white and my episode finishes.


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