Blog tasks: The Times case study

Work through the following questions to make sure you are fully prepared for questions on the Times and the newspaper industry.


1) What are the main stories on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017)?
Scot want to remain in UK, new poll reveals and Google:we won't remove video that attacks Jews are the main stories on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017).

2) What are the main stories on the inside page of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017)?
Muirfield welcomed back to Open after vote allows in women golfers and Transgender fell-runner jailed for stabbing official are the main stories on the inside page of the Times CSP edition (15 March 2017)

3) What is the balance on the Times front page between images, headlines and text?
There is no enough pictures and writing and it is more neat.

4) How do we know that the Times is aimed at a wealthy, educated, middle class audience?
Because the Times is targeted towards values and beliefs to target their educated and middle class audience.

Language: The Times tends to attract an audience that it older and more traditional (Conservative politics), so the stories are targeted towards these values and beliefs to target their specific audience.

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times political beliefs?

They write stories to feel sorry with Theresa May.

1) What is the target audience for the Times?
The Times target audience is older with over half the audience aged 55+.

2) Why do the Times front page stories/features appeal to the Times audience?
Because there is a massive picture of a celebrity who is famous.

3) Why might the Muirfield golf story be of interest to Times readers?
Because women can't take chosen in sports where as now they can in golf.

4) Why might a reader enjoy the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to 
your answer.
Newspapers gives information on politics and entertain them(SURVEILLANCE).

5) Times readers are mostly over 55 years old. Why is this?  
People aged 55 or over are people who either don't use technology or either like reading paper mostly younger people have the news access on their phones. 

1) What representation of Great Britain can be found on the front page of the Times?

2) How does the Times represent the gender in the Muirfield golf feature?
The Times represent the gender in the Muirfield golf feature by gossiping saying women are allowed but they have to be selected so therefore women aren't really in the golf club so it is mainly men.

3) How does the Times represent big companies like Google or Channel 4? 
The Times represent big companies like Google or Channel 4 by

4) How does the Times present the story of the transgender runner jailed for stabbing an official? What does this suggest about the Times's attitude towards LGBT issues?
The Times present the story of the transgender runner jailed for stabbing an official by clearly stating on the fact that the stabber was transgender this makes all transgender people are a threat to public. 

5) What clues can you find in the CSP pages that suggest that Times readers are more likely to support the Conservative Party?
They feel sorry with the Conservative prime minister as they state that she was 'ambushed' by Nicola Sturgeon.


1) Who owns the Times?
Rupert Murdoch owns the Times because he owns the News UK.

2) What is the The Times's circulation in 2018? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?
Roughly 430,000 was the Times circulation in 2018.

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?
It has a paywall on its online content.

4) Using Galtung and Ruge's News Values theory, choose three factors that make a news story more likely to be placed on the front page of the newspaper.

5) Why have newspapers seen such a steep decline in sales over the last 20 years?

News now became more online.


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