Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor: Blog tasks

1) How do audiences generally watch music videos these days?
YouTube is what audiences generally use to watch music video these days.

2) What opportunities has the growth of digital technology and YouTube created for new music artists?
Because of the growth of digital technology they had to come up new ways in how to share music.

3) What is P2P and why did it cause huge problems for the music industry?
P2P stands for peer to peer this is when people illegally download music and this caused a big problem to music industry because they were loosing a lot of money. 

4) Do you think the internet has given audiences more power over who becomes successful in the music industry? Why? 
Yes, because people can easily show their power for free by the internet.
5) How has Fortnite demonstrated the potential future for music videos and promotional opportunities for the music industry? You can read more on this event in this Verge feature.

It allows music industries to explore the ideas of communicating with fans.

Arctic Monkeys: Industry

1) How did the Arctic Monkeys first achieve success and build up their fan base?

Arctic Monkeys first achieved success and build up their fan base by performing small live performance.

2) Why was P2P file sharing an unexpected aspect to Arctic Monkeys' early success?
It allowed them to let other people listens to their music and get more fans.

3) How does the rise of Arctic Monkeys differ from how One Direction were formed and became famous?
One Direction were formed and manufactured by Simon Cowell whereas Arctic Monkeys were all friends.

4) How has technological convergence changed the music industry?
Technological convergence is the tendency that as technology changes, different technological system sometimes evolve toward performing similar tasks.

5) Has the internet been a positive or negative development for traditional record companies? Why?
Positive development because it allowed their target audience to hear their music for free.

Arctic Monkeys: Audience

1) What is the main Arctic Monkeys audience - demographics and psychographics?

demographic- middle class 
psychographics- mainly reformers and some explorers 

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor?

diversion is the audience pleasures that are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor. 

3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to Arctic Monkeys fans. Why did you choose those moments?

Before the music the main singer addresses their fans who they and to make this as a live show.
4) What is nostalgia and why is it a key audience pleasure for the Arctic Monkeys music video?

Nostalgia is associated with a yearning for the past, its personalities, and events, especially the "good old days" or a "warm childhood". The scientific literature on nostalgia usually refers to nostalgia regarding the personal life and has mainly studied the effects of nostalgia induced during the studies.

5) How are fans positioned to respond to the video? What does the artist want fans to take from their video?
The artist want them to take in the music instead of the low budget video.


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