Apple Beats Radio CSP: blog tasks

Work through the following questions to complete your final Radio case study on Apple Beats Radio:

Background, industries and the impact of the internet

1) How have our music listening habits changed since 1960?
There are more radio station broadcasts.
2) When did Apple Beats 1 Radio launch and what is it?
Apple Beats 1 Radio launched on June 30, 2015. It is a live radio.

3) What is the difference between Beats 1 Radio, iTunes and Apple Music?
Radio is mainly live and they meet famous people and chit chat with them whereas iTunes and Apple Music just have mp3 music.  

4) Why was Apple so keen to enter the online music world and compete with Spotify, Deezer and Amazon Music (and others)?

5) Why did Apple choose the three selected DJs for launch? 
Because they are talented in rap and they know a lot about music industry and they love to joke around.
6) How does the use of DJs differ from Spotify, Amazon Music and other streaming services? 
They do more instead of just playing music after music they have entertaining conversation and jokes.
7) How does the content of the Julia Adenuga show differ from Radio 1? 

8) Why does Beats 1 radio give Apple the power to make or break new artists? Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the music industry?
Make good album record and sell it and make alot of money.
9) Read the BBC feature on the launch of Apple Beats 1 Radio. Did the industry experts think it would be a success? Why?

10) Give arguments for and against the idea that Beats 1 will be a threat to traditional media industries (e.g. radio stations, record shops, online music retailers etc.)
They used star power.


1) Who is the target audience for Beats1 and Julia Adenuga in particular? Refer to demographics and psychographics.
People who are interested in music and grime.

2) Why do people listen to Beats1? Which aspects of Blumler and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications theory relate to Beats 1 and its audience?

3) Can the audience actively interact with the Apple Beats 1 Radio or are they passive when listening? How? Give examples. 

4) Is Apple Beats 1 aimed at a mass or niche audience? How does this differ to BBC Radio 1?
Mass because the music that are played are popular music.
5) Do you think Apple Beats 1 radio will be popular with young audiences or are streaming services the future of audio-based media?


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